This Website Template Control properties homepage is intended to be viewed only in javascript mode.

Version {span:version}

Best viewed with Firefox browser.
WebMaster functionalities are only intended to work with Firefox!
visitors have access to this highlight options

[I identified that index.html is being loaded from local machine, this section only showup in this case.]
Important Notice to WebMaster!
You will need Firefox to this functionality work properly.
You must dynamically generate the file menu.html so visitors can browse your website in Plain HTML or even in text mode.
The Menu settings at WebTemCoSetup.js will still be used in javascript mode.

Make sure this path/file.html points to the same folder where this index.html is located.
Copy this path/filename to paste later.
After clicking the Generate button, a new browser window will open that file.

The HTML code will be written in the new window in plain text (this may take some time).

Then go at menu: "file/Save Page As..." and select "files of type: text files", and paste the full path/filename and save it.

Click here to dynamically generate menu.html (required file) HTML code

Now try to access your homepage in Plain HTML mode to verify that menu.html was created properly.

Setup (some are saved on cookie)



Copy the link below to paste at save file dialog.

Website Title:

Language Selection:

English    Português(Brasil)

Main Table CSS style (this is the main HTML table that covers the full homepage at index.html):

Main HTML Body CSS style (this is the main HTML body tag that covers the full homepage at index.html):

Global CSS setup to tags and classes, ex. to use at different links:

Menu Setup

Docked menu side (requires website reload):
Left    Right

Menu Shrinked:
HTML code:
CSS Style:

Menu Free Cell:
HTML code:
CSS Style:

Menu General:
Width (points)
Time Before Expand (miliseconds)
Time Before Shrink (miliseconds)
Shrinked Menu Text Show Times before showing image (to each user)
Floating Menu
Image menu (Floating)

Menu Entries Sintax:
  The [ and ] are just to indicate that content can be freely setup.
    'l:[link]; L:[PrettyLink];'
    'f:[foregroundcolor]; b:[backgroundcolor]; B:[backgroundimage];'
    't:[title, the popup text to the menu item];'
  Properties (p:) may overwrite each other, last one will be kept.
    'p:highlightBypass; p:loadTop; p:contentMain;'
    'n:[name]; N:[image];'
  instead of auto creating a submenu to options after all others,
  set the current item to hold the options entries

  Important: the first and last item of a submenu must have these:
  Blank space between entries:
  Alternatively you can type an HTML code to each menu entry (must come alone):
  Links can be typed without name ex.:
    'L:ContentExample2.html' will show this name: 'Content Example 2'
    'l:ContentExample2.html' will show 'ContentExample2'
  To type an HTML and overhide a table cell creation with <tr><td></tr></td> (must come alone!):
    'O:<tr><td id="...">...</td></tr>'
  Put one menu entry per line (do not use ').

Enabled areas:
Top Area
CSS Style:
Content Top Area
CSS Style:
Content Bottom Area
CSS Style:
Bottom Area
CSS Style:

Other Settings
Remember last visited relative Link (to load instead of main content homepage).

Colors Choice
Color Scheme{div:ColorScheme}

Colors to Show (slow):


These require website to be reloaded.

Debug Mode
Developer Controls