Website Template Control This javascript also depends on index.html file directly index.html is the skeleton/structure/dinamicLayout The content pages fill the Content table cell at index.html based on menu links. Examples can be found at: (always with the latest version) The examples *are* these homepages :) BASE FILES: WebTemCo.js Website Template Control code. WebTemCoSetup.js Values here will adjust how WebTemCo.js javascript file works. Customize your website at user preferences menu entry under FireFox. WebTemCoSetup.js Extra fixed setup. index.html Main Website file. Do not change it! WebTemCo.js functionalities works directly with it, this means that future releases will change it most certainly. WebTemCoPref.html Visitors/Webmaster preferences, webmaster may deny many. EXTRA FILES: WebTemCo.txt This general documentation/help file. WebTemCoLicense.txt Read it. (functionality not available yet at version 0.99) If you have any Linux distro installed (or 'may be' cygwin under windows), you may try to run this bash script to split a huge .html dynamically generated file (see preferences menu item while running on local machine) with all content homepages, into smaller ones. Then each content homepage will be nicely browseable in Plain HTML mode. Do not upload to your website. _dummy.html Used to help on generation of dynamic files with javascript. Do not upload to your website. TEMPLATE FILES: MainExample.html Main Content Area file example. //onLoad of 'iFrame temp data' will execute that parent function that will fill Content area See more info at MainExample.html ContentExample.html Content Area file example. UPDATING TO NEW VERSION: Backup your WebTemCoSetupDynamic.js to WebTemCoSetupDynamic.js.bkp Copy from new package these files to your local machine path: index.html, WebTemCo.js, WebTemCoSetup.js, WebTemCo.txt, WebTemCoPref.html, license.txt, _dummy.html Verify if your website is looking as before. If not, go to user preferences link, adjust and save the dynamic setup file. TODO: Optionally auto redirect to plain HTML in case the browser is not in the tested browsers list. Alternate image "on mouse over" to menu items, support. Generate all Plain HTML content homepages in the same way menu.html is being generated. The files will be named as: WTC*.html (or with custom prefix); and menu links adjusted properly. Unused menu area (there is 2 menu areas) be made available to webmaster customized menu/content. Alternative menu entries (a whole new menu setup could be loaded like in a website subsession, ex. store has books and magazines sessions, so 1st time user loads website, books session is loaded. But if user click on magazines link lets say at the 'Top Area' then .../index.html?menu=magazines is loaded instead of default .../index.html). KNOWN BUGS: CSS class doesn't seem to be working with IE6. NOTES: v 0.200 Setup is much easyer now, it is all made at FireFox after clicking on user preferences menu entry. v 0.113.2 Fixed docked menu height auto increase at FireFox when opening a submenu. v 0.113.1 It is now easyer to add content homepages, it is now enough to just set this: v 0.108 Instead of variables to colors, now you can setup your color scheme and copy/paste it into a single variable at setup file. v 0.98 Advanced menu (floating) is working! :). Last submenu entry must have this: "p:endSubMenu;" Added webmaster external javascript specific adjustment function recognizement to each content homepage: WTCuserFuncAreaContentOnLoadBefore() and WTCuserFuncAreaContentOnLoadAfter(). Also WTCuserFuncAdjustMenu() at setup file. If they are declared they will be recognized and called. Automatic redirection to Plain HTML mode in case browser has script (javascript) disabled. v 0.91 menu.html generated at 'user prefer.' now v 0.90 menu.html must be dynamically generated after menu has been adjusted at setup file. This way your website will be able to be browsed in Plain HTML mode. move your mouse over 'browse mode' to see 'user preferences' :). CHANGE LOG: v 0.200 All the setup is now made at FireFox after clicking on user preferences menu entry. v 0.113.1 It is now easyer to add content homepages, it is now enough to just set this: On javascript error, added option to restore cookie backup. v 0.113 WebTemCo options now can be at any menu entry, not only at "Menu" one. If none is set, a new submenu will automatically appear at the end, just before freeCell. Added multi language support to setup file for menu as: "n:Main&Principal;" where "Principal" is in portuguese. Added url support for multi language menu ex.: .../index.html?lang=pt_br v 0.109 Added support to image instead of text to menu items. Added support to background image to menu items. v 0.108.1 "Generate menu.html" is working again. v 0.108 Improved Cookie system, different version incompatibilities will now just be skipped, and compatible ones "imported". Instead of variables to colors, now you can setup your color scheme and copy/paste it into a single variable at setup file. Fixed/Workaround: IE6 'bug?' while selecting menu text now does not cause error (null source element). Fixed/Workaround: IE6 'bug?' width 100% was just ignored at table cell, now content area look as good as at Firefox. v 0.102 BugFixed: shrinked menu text now works properly v 0.99 BugFixed: after clicking on a loadTop menu item, that item was being kept highlight. WebTemCo submenu options at floating menu also float now. Preferences is now at WebTemCoPref.html file. Debug mode improved (some debug global variables were removed). Added preference to visitor allow cookie remeber (load) last visited relative link instead of main homepage. Added "t:title;" property to menu items. Image to Mini Menu can be setup at variable g_strImgMenuMini now. Added support to translation of all Character Entity References in HTML 4 where needed. Dynamic Plain HTML generation improved. Also now, it opens a new browser window; Its info text is just a HTML hidden comment; etc. v 0.98 BugFixed: when user loads another website and click "back" button, if WTC was left in the main content homepage, the content area was not being reloaded properly. BugFixed: if a table is created inside menu FreeCell its TD tags were being considered as menu items instead of being skipped. At setup file, g_strMainBodyStyle handles index.html 'body' tag style. g_strBgColor removed. At index.html default global alignment is now: center. Multilanguage initial support: english/portuguese(Br). Removed menu.html from package (it should be configured at setup file). From content body tag attributes to table cell style, conversion now considers: text, bgcolor, background; before body tag dummy css style. Added floating menu auto shrink/expand functionality. Added minimenu animated gif. Added webmaster external javascript specific adjustment functions recognizement to each content homepage: WTCuserFuncAreaContentOnLoadBefore() and WTCuserFuncAreaContentOnLoadAfter(). Also WTCuserFuncAdjustMenu() at setup file. Added automatic redirection to menu.html in case of javascript is disabled. Added this functionality: .../index.html?load=AnyOfYourRelativeContentHomepage.html that will load that homepage instead of main one. Usefull to load content homepages that are not part of the menu entries (a link at FreeCell area for ex.). menu.html is now generated with other areas (layout) and a copy of the starting (main) homepage content. v 0.91 Fixed: missing expiration date to cookie. Error handler only show WebTemCo cookie now. Dynamically generation of menu.html changed, moved to user preferences area. Variables removed from setup file: g_bMenuNameDialog, g_bMenuNameBlinkOnLocalMachineFileLoad Improved WebTemCo user preferences cookie copy/paste. v 0.90 Added id recognition WTCdivData, so only html data within the div tag with that id will be displayed at index.html areas. Now only javascript errors that occur after WebTemCo.js starts (onload) will alert user to browse in Plain HTML (it was being alerted also for errors from possible previous scripts). Table refreshes good now at FireFox/Mozilla. Improved show/hide debug functionality (code side). Added User Preferences (visitors preferences). Cookies enabled to save users preferences. Menu is now setup at WebTemCoSetup.js file, then you can dynamically save it as menu.html. Improved 'onerror' behavior. Layout is more flexible now: added 2 top areas, 1 bottom area; menu can be on the right side now :) Added dynamic style interpreter/updater to several places. Check WebTemCoSetup.js for them. v 0.81 Added compatibility code to support I.E. 6.0 browser. On javascript error, now FULL menu.html (Plain HTML) url is suggested. v 0.80 First release